Monday, July 11, 2016

Speed Dating

I've been sick for the last few days. So nothing much happened. The only notable thing is that on Friday I went Speed Dating. Ooh. It was supposed to be a 10:10 somewhere in Beverly Hills. But they lost the venue, moved the thing to West Hollywood. Then one of the women dropped out and so did her 4 friends. So the ratio was 2:1. I got there a little early because I didn't want to be late. The host apologized and said I'll get a code to go to another event for free.

When I got there I went straight for the bar. I talked to one of the other guys who was waiting. Another broken heart trying to go out there. I told him I didn't want to look out. He did. He said he didn't see anyone he was remotely interested in talking to. I got the same vibe. Either way, I asked him why he's even there then. So he finished his drink and left. Good lad. I was considering leaving, too, but I was a few blocks away from Anotio's where I could meet Alex L after.

The actual 1:1s with girls were extended to 7 minutes instead of 5. Plenty of time to get to know someone on surface level. Lots of smiling, pleasant faces. That part was good. I learned that nobody goes to these things alone. Every girl brought a friend. Or rather, every girl got brought by a friend. There was a clear distinction between those who needed to get out more and those who could manipulate their friends to go out with them. This one girl literally said she's doing charity work by bringing her friend out when I asked her what she was doing there. Ha.

So I met two teachers and two nurses. The last lady was crazy. This slimy unpleasant person. She was at least 50 in a 24-35 speed dating event and she's already had a few too many drinks. She either kept getting offended or talking out of her ass about some bullcrap topic she knows nothing about. When she started insisting that I get a drink with her I mentioned that she's probably already had enough and she started yelling "This guy doesn't think women shouldn't drink". The host kept apologizing to me for her behavior. It was kind of funny at first, but after more comments like that I just left.

At Antonio's Alex and I had a couple of drink. I figured out he's lost a lot of his Russian. Ha. And I called it a night.

Saturday I was sick. I mustered up enough strength to go to Tempest, but that's about it.

Sunday I was sick, but I mustered enough strength to go to the beach and give Hope a ride from the airport doing movies and a hike on the way.

Today I'm sick, but I think I'll go to work anyway. It really does always feel like there's too much work to do on my team.

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