Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I'm in the airport again. My plane is already boarding. This feels like the right time to blog about last night because it was awesome! I spent the day in the company of strangers who were all cool people. I will use their real names, because, well, they are strangers and they were cool people.

So I woke up...

Edit a few days later:

Woke up. Had lunch at a local sandwich place. The service was amazing. The food was alright. Then I went on a hike with Amy and Vitaliy. It was insanely beautiful. Fields like in The Witcher. Horses. Wild hoovesteps everywhere. I saw so many birch trees I thought I was in Eastern Europe for a second. Just gorgeous hike.

Afterwards I went to the wedding. The ceremony was great. Very simple. Very elegant. The groom cried. So did I. This was the first wedding I had cried at. It only went uphill from there. I don't remember it because it's been a while now, but I know the food was delicious. I had my fill. It was buffet style. Yay for any-portion-size-I-want! My table didn't have any singles, but they were all nice people. We made jokes and had a few drinks. Got a photo together. That was a great time. I met someone else from Minsk, too.

Then I hit the dance floor. I kept drinking and dancing until I couldn't breathe anymore, and then I would dance again. Actually what happened was that they ran out of Vodka. Probably a good thing. Since I don't know how to dance I usually have to have a drink in my hand. So I switched from vodka to water. So much water. :P Served me well, because after everyone'd left and I was leaving, too, I was driving and got pulled over. They gave me a sobriety test. My first one. :D Officer Dave was nice enough to say that I wasn't acting all that sober. I told him it was the adrenaline and my knees were weak from all the dancing (which was true). But I got a breathalyzer and got a .045, so below the 05 legal limit. They let me go. Officer Dave gave me his card.

Then... drive.. airport...another Dave. Long story short is that I don't remember all the excitement anymore. I remember feeling amazing about it, but I've lost all the names.

Some other notable things from the night included me finally meeting Jasmine (a girl I drew Freshman year in college) for the first time actually in real life; taking a picture with Elizabeth, Roman's sister, who was the hottest person at the wedding, and single; a couple coming up to me and telling me they like me (<3); and so many more moments I can't remember like Shura tying my shoes etc. etc.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Boulder and more.

I'll try to keep this brief, too. I have to check out of this hotel in the next 30 minutes and I haven't even gotten out of bed.

Yesterday I woke up early and went to a rock climbing gym. I didn't have any pants for it so I went to Target and got a nice pair there. There was a lady in the line I struck a conversation with. She seemed nice. Her face turned sour when I said I wasn't local nor had just moved here. Womp womp.

Rock climbing was fun. Their walls were weird. I could do some V2s on one wall but on the other couldn't do the V0. I think it had a lot to do with drinking last night. My hands just felt weird.

When I got out my newly-found single serving friends messaged me saying they're going hiking in Boulder. So I joined them. They're so fun! We took a ****-load of photos. Had many interesting conversations. Then we went down to Boulder and had lunch. This was my first time requesting an item not on the menu. I asked for a salmon burger with all veggies on it. It came out good. Yum-yum! Then my friends (Carly and Christine) took me back to Denver. They headed on to a concert and I drove into the depths of Colorado for a pre-wedding get-together.

The drive was gorgeous. And when I got here (I'm still roughly in the same hood) I realized how cold it was. But it feels awesome! I pretty much didn't know anyone but the groom, but he showed me around. I met some cool people. Lots of drunk post-Soviets. Ha. Fun times. They kept saying that it's easy to get drunk at high altitude. Well I wasn't so lucky. I had to keep drinking to feel something. And after I got back to the hotel I just felt sick, not drunk. Funny how that works.

Things to note: I was in a hot-tub in my underwear! Hell yeah! I was the last one out, too. I'm awesome like that. :P And I saw my first wild bear. He was crossing the street on my way back to the hotel.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


It's late. But long story short today I had the best flight of my life. I ran into Christine and Carly who were the best single serving friends ever. We spent the entire flight chatting and cracking jokes and sharing experiences. We even got drinks. And they were cheap. $7 for a drink of vodka. That's less than half of what they charge me in Venice at a bar. Woo!! It was going so well I even got another one! And when the lady brought it over and I took out the card to pay, she just patted me on the shoulder and said "it's okay".

0.o I got a free drink on a flight. I was so ecstatic! The rest of the flight went even better. Before heading off I caught the flight attended, thanked her and told her she's super nice. She looked back, smiled and said "It's just an act!". WOW! Best answer ever!

And then afterwards I went to the botanical gardens. So beautiful. A little lonely, but so pretty. Then my phone was dying so I went to go find a cafe and found a bar. I was chatting it up with this very pretty girl who was very welcoming and outspoken when she started talking about this woman she was engaged to. Wait.... pretty girl with a female ex, rainbow coasters, women bouncers with the words "butch" on their shirts. I was at Denver's only lesbian bar. :P Hahhaha. I stayed as long as my new-found friend was there. Liz was her name. I asked where I should go to catch some live music. She kept insisting I go to this place called "Charlie's". So after she left I set out there. I stopped by a few other bars. Watched some people sing karaoke. No live music. I headed to Charlie's and... it was full of half-naked ripped dudes with glow-in-the-dark underwear. I'm not sure if it was a gay bar, but there was no live music. That's what I get for being straight at a lesbian bar. :P

I played some darts there. Then bar-hopped some more. Played some pool and finished it off back at the lesbian bar. Then headed to Extended Stay for the night. I had a voucher for the night. Good times. My phone was dying... or rather dead. I had to wait it out until it charged to 1% so I could use it to make a reservation. And then when I finally got there  I had to wait for them to finish the daily audit. On the other hand I got to talk to the nice woman at the front desk. Her name escapes me now. :( She had a think Philly accent though. It was cool. Hard to understand but fascinating!

Long story short I'm in bed now. Goodnight.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Flying to Seattle

It's that time again. Things are happening. Nothing happened in July. NOTHING. I'm not even kidding. Looking back... I met a couple new people, who I'm not sure are going to stick around. I came over to a friend's place ... once. I went a bunch of movies... and I spent too much time working on ProjectEuler problem 566. :P

I'm at the airport right now. My flight to Seattle is boarding 20 minutes ago... so they should start letting people in in 10. I want to have this out so I have something to do on the plane.