Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I'm in the airport again. My plane is already boarding. This feels like the right time to blog about last night because it was awesome! I spent the day in the company of strangers who were all cool people. I will use their real names, because, well, they are strangers and they were cool people.

So I woke up...

Edit a few days later:

Woke up. Had lunch at a local sandwich place. The service was amazing. The food was alright. Then I went on a hike with Amy and Vitaliy. It was insanely beautiful. Fields like in The Witcher. Horses. Wild hoovesteps everywhere. I saw so many birch trees I thought I was in Eastern Europe for a second. Just gorgeous hike.

Afterwards I went to the wedding. The ceremony was great. Very simple. Very elegant. The groom cried. So did I. This was the first wedding I had cried at. It only went uphill from there. I don't remember it because it's been a while now, but I know the food was delicious. I had my fill. It was buffet style. Yay for any-portion-size-I-want! My table didn't have any singles, but they were all nice people. We made jokes and had a few drinks. Got a photo together. That was a great time. I met someone else from Minsk, too.

Then I hit the dance floor. I kept drinking and dancing until I couldn't breathe anymore, and then I would dance again. Actually what happened was that they ran out of Vodka. Probably a good thing. Since I don't know how to dance I usually have to have a drink in my hand. So I switched from vodka to water. So much water. :P Served me well, because after everyone'd left and I was leaving, too, I was driving and got pulled over. They gave me a sobriety test. My first one. :D Officer Dave was nice enough to say that I wasn't acting all that sober. I told him it was the adrenaline and my knees were weak from all the dancing (which was true). But I got a breathalyzer and got a .045, so below the 05 legal limit. They let me go. Officer Dave gave me his card.

Then... drive.. airport...another Dave. Long story short is that I don't remember all the excitement anymore. I remember feeling amazing about it, but I've lost all the names.

Some other notable things from the night included me finally meeting Jasmine (a girl I drew Freshman year in college) for the first time actually in real life; taking a picture with Elizabeth, Roman's sister, who was the hottest person at the wedding, and single; a couple coming up to me and telling me they like me (<3); and so many more moments I can't remember like Shura tying my shoes etc. etc.

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