Friday, May 20, 2016

Car break in.

Yesterday was our annual bike-to-work today. I got up a little early so I would have time to bike. Got dressed warm because for some reason the weather was very un-LA like. I went downstairs to my car to get earphones when I discovered a bunch of glass on the ground. At first I thought that some assholes just spilled some during construction. Then I realized there's no construction next to my car... and there's only one source of glass - my car! I looked up and noticed that the back glass on my car was smashed and contents of my trunk gone. Fuckers. If I ever get a hold of them.... So mad now.

And the whole morning/early afternoon went into dealing with the fallout. I called the police and reported the break-in. I messaged the apartment management and asked for footage. I cleaned the car myself. Put everything from the car away. Chris helped clean up the glass from the ground. I started calling people for quotes. Chris made some calls, too. Eventually I settled on getting a very unpleasant person to come and do the work because his pricing was competitive and in absence of other clients he said he could be out in an hour fixing it.

The car was finished around 14:00. I couldn't drive it for another hour. I spent that hour working from home and riding my bike around the block hoping I would find my bags dumped somewhere. I was hoping they just wanted electronics so when they found that all they stole was clothing, beach supplies and athletic stuff, they would drop the bags. But I wasn't so lucky :( I found nothing.

Before driving to work I stopped by Ross and bought new bags. Much cheaper than the ones that were stolen. Much crappier. Maybe they won't look like anything exciting to the next burglar. I bought some basic things, but I'm still missing huge categories like athletic pants, or anything beach-related. Apparently it's not the season for pants, so they're nowhere to be found. I'll keep looking. Later. When I'm less upset.

The few hours that I worked after went fine. Got some new tasks to do. Or technically to undo the work that I did a month ago. Sad Sally is I.

Annmarie came over for dinner at our work. Bria and I joined, so the Japan gang ate together again. Then I went back up to work, but Alan and Annmarie came up not 10 minutes later and offered to have a drink with me. It was a Thursday. So, Tempest night. But I thought good company could be used. And I did. We went to Rose cafe. Had some shitty beer. Alan ordered a Mojito. They charged him $14 for it. Seriously fuck alcohol prices around here. That's just ridiculous. And it was a crappy one at that, Alan said.

Afterwards I went to Tempest. Only had 90 minutes there. I tried to not waste it. I did chest and biceps. Forgot to do back at all. Was out of it. One of the regulars, Katie, came in with full makeup on. She looked good... I ended the session with doing front flips. It's been a while. I had all this energy. It was the anger and beer in me. But it was pouring into beautiful front-flips on the floor. So I loved it. Did the until I went out of breath. Only took like 5 or 6. But that's still a lot more than my usual 0-1. :)

I went home and started messaging women in Canada. I have to at some point. So far no replies. I'll keep messaging. It will make my vacation better. I know it will.

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