Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ups and downs.

Thursday was a decent day. I worked hard. Then went on a meet-and-greet. The woman had a skin problem of some sort. And I'm particularly sensitive to that because of my childhood. So it was an immediate no-no. We had a short and pleasant conversation and then I got out of there. Went to Tempest. Had a good time there. Not sure why. Was teaching people again. Had a sense of purpose. So that was nice.

Friday however, I got a text from someone asking about something in the apartment. I thought it was about the AirBnb in Toronto.. but I recognized the number as my ex's. Le sigh. So I knew that was coming. The day went slow. As slow as they go. The morning meeting got canceled so I was rushing to finish some work in that time. Then I had a Project Euler meeting. I took the intern that sits next to me. Then I played soccer. The weather was crap. Very overcast and foggy. I kept messing up.

Alan and Bria were out and when I got back it was pretty much just me and the intern working. He's new. So I'm still careful about what I say around him. Nobody to talk to about life. Le sigh. That being said at some point I realized that it was the first Friday of the month. There are food trucks down the street. I wanted to go. Sucks to go alone though. I went with the intern. I needed to get food and it didn't look like I was going to find another human to go with.

I paid $17 for a piece of white bread with two spoonfuls of lobster on it. Seriously LA. That's expensive. We chatted about programming and ... that's pretty much it. The intern is 18. No much life experience yet. I went home. Not really feeling up to doing anything. I was hoping to run into my roommates but they weren't home.

Alex L stopped by to borrow a camera. He's going on a trip. Sounds like a good time. He didn't have time to get out of the car. I just chatted with him for a few minutes and he was on his way.

Then my ex stopped by. I brought out the thing she wanted. I didn't want it to be awkward. We sat in the lobby for a bit and talked about the little things. Small talk. You know. Trying to remain pleasant. I told her deeper things, too. She didn't. That's probably good. We kept it courteous. I had to clarify that I'm not a socially-uncomfortable monster unable to talk to those who've wronged me. Then it got late. She left... and I was unable to go find actual humans to hang out with. So I spent the new few hours chatting with strangers online. Therapy.

Today I'm going to NinjaCon. I don't know why. Bought the tickets a while ago. Might as well go. Going alone. Don't expect anything good to happen.

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