Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wedding then back to normal.

Last Sunday was fun. I woke up in Toronto then went back to LA. I talked to a pretty girl in the passport line. I was lucky because the passport check happened at the Canadian site and I just randomly decided to get there 4 hours before my flight so I had time to go through it. But the real joy came from the fact that with my plane landing at 12:30 and Father's Day lunch being at 13:00 I could make it!

It was nice to see family. Our reserved tables were outside and in 35 degree weather some of us have refused to sit outside. So we had to wait for an hour before we got our table. Well, at least the food for delicious.

After that I came home, relaxed for a few minutes, then I had 15 minutes to get ready for Rui's wedding. So much rushing. Lina helped lint my suit. Stuff randomly still fit so I think I looked good. The wedding was good. Large restaurant. Many people. Not enough drinks though. But everyone around me was that... pregnant-age so it's not like anyone was actually drinking. I barely got someone to help me finish the bottle of champagne I got for the table. We took some silly photos and not-so-silly photos. Good photos all around actually. The wedding was supposed to wind down around 23:00, but everyone at my table left at 22:00 and I decided to follow suit.

Instead of going home I drove down to San Clemente to see one of the women I met on OkC. We walked by the the beach and then sat at a life guard booth watching the waves crashes on the shore under the full-moon moonlight. But when I was driving back I was pretty tired already. Remember, it's been a long day. And this guy with bright lights kept following me. Eventually I pulled to the right-most lane and slowed down to let him finally pass. That's when the sirens went off. Luckily the officer understood when I complained about this creep following me. :P

Monday was ordinary. Work. Tempest. Sleep.
Tuesday was mostly ordinary. Work. Then at the end of the day the Movie Club at work was showing the first Independence Day in the court-yard. Wine, beer and candy were provided. I got Lina and Chris to come out. Alan invited AnneMarie. So at least I was in company of good people.

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