Wednesday, June 8, 2016


So lets go with "Angry". Because it's my mood. I'm angry. I wish there was some big-ol reason why, but it's a few things. Lets list them:
 * The morons at the security company dropped my footage request and the video of my car getting broken into disappeared.
 * Bernie lost the primary today. This is the last stop for him.
 * My tolerance couldn't keep up withe shit-storm of people freaking out over a "too-light" sentence that this kid got for having sex with a sleeping girl or something like that. I don't even know about the actual story because all I get from my neck of the woods is hatred toward the guy, his father, the judge, the system, the f**king everything. Thing rationally you sheeple!
 * I'm in pain. Has to do with working out for the last 4 days.
 * I spent the evening booking tickets and scheduling events. None of that was fun today. Delta crashed twice on me and told me to "start over". Had to book a flight by phone. :/
 * I'm angry with myself for eating too much sugar. I had an apricot-oat bar that had 14 grams, and then I had 6 bookies, that's another 16 grams. That's 30 grams from just sweets. I'm disappointed in myself. Damn stress.

That's about all I can think of. I'm sure there are other things. Like Wayo yesterday was supposed to go to the movies with me, but totally bailed right before going. And I messaged Hope because she said she wanted to go, but she never replied. And then there're the angry comments with Katie on Facebook. I need better friends.

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