Saturday, April 9, 2016

Entry 2016-04-09

Dear diary:

I feel motion sick. That's because I'm writing this in a car. Dwight is driving the Lincoln Navigator we rented last night. Yeahp. They ran out of cars at Hertz and after an hour of waiting they gave us their last car. This monstrosity that fits 7 people and requires 2 steps up to get into. It makes me wonder why we even got a hotel. I mean... I just wanted a warm bed and the seats in this thing do the trick.

So yeah, we're in Tahoe. Crashed at Marriot for a few hours then hit the road from Sacramento. I forgot that not all hotels have free WiFi. The staff was nice though. And before I continue and just feel like I'm leaving reviews, I'll stop.

It's been a nice trip so far. The girl in line to the airplane last night kept turning around and looking at Dwight and I. I was talking about relationships and everything else under the sun. Dwight was an introvert. But we managed to keep the conversation going through the flight. I started crashing at the airport since I didn't have dinner but one Caprese sandwich later I was up and chatty again.

I was dreaming last night. I dreamed about buying a sword. I think it was for a movie or something because some of the swords were hidden in umbrellas and I thought that's only useful for assassinations. Then somehow from the sword store I started to try to figure out who worked for Doctorsoft. That one silly startup I worked for a long time ago.

Speaking of Doctorsoft. I had to look them up because I applied for Global Entry program. It was surprisingly difficult finding out where I worked/lived in the last 5 years. Thanks GMail for having PDF search capabilities. Apparently the whole company's staff is different now. Literally nobody who used to work there works there now. The philosophical question is: is it still the same company?

About snowboarding: it's raining all day today. Almost half of the lifts are open. Most of them were open in the beginning of the week. I'm slightly frightened that it's going to be a horrible experience snowboarding today. What an expensive trip. I've already told this to Dwight, but these trips make me appreciate Los Angeles more than anything else. Memories are nice. But mostly it makes me long for sunshine, songs etc. Thought I do realize there are good times to be had here as well. The pine forest with a river running along the road make for a great view.

Speaking of motion sickness.. it's really getting to me.. so I'm going to stop.

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