Friday, April 15, 2016


Dear diary:

So yesterday after we got to Tokyo we went to Mark's place and stayed there. He's a friend from overseas... or so he wants us to tell his neighbors if they ask because I guess he's not supposed to be AirBnb-ing the place. :P The walk there was cool, but also warm and uphill. My feet are tired. Every time I pass a massage place I think harder and harder about going in instead of exploring more.

We dropped off our stuff and went for a walk. We quickly realized we wanted to do different things and split up. Alan and Annmarie went to get cake, Bria got Ramen and I went looking for something to eat. I didn't find anything. But I did strike a conversation with a couple of girls. I laughed very hard when I found out they were also from LA. What are the chances? Must be pretty decent. They recommended a few places. Got a copy of their todo-list. Cool that they did all the work.

Bria had finished her lunch and we walked around. Took photos. Checked out adult stores. So much cool stuff I appreciate and sadly can't bring back with me. Oh well.

After the four of us met up after that went to a park with a temple.  It was impressive. I've missed tall trees. It's one thing to see monumental gates  on the screen, but seeing them in real life is a different game. We payed our respects to some sacred thing.. and then got kicked out for sitting on sacred stairs.

Then we walked through the fashion district. I wanted to buy shoes, and a hat... and maybe something else. But everything was kind of expensive. I saw a lonely lady advertising for a money exchange place. She looked so miserable and I was running low on cash. So, I went up and converted some currency. The thing was on the 3rd floor, past lockers and bathrooms, where behind glass sat another lonely-looking person. They both looked so delighted to see a customer. Yes, the first girl went up with me so she could smile and bow as a thank you for my business. That level of customer service is so refreshing. Makes me want to go back to LA and never tip for anything less than that kind of service. I wish. :(

The night fell. Annmarie and Alan took the train back to go to sleep. I wanted to continue exploring. However Bria wanted to go for a walk too so she tagged along. She my walk short but she was desperate to go home and after I got back I didn't feel like going out again. Alan wanted to go to the Fish Market in the morning so I figured I might as well get some sleep.

I tried running  a hot bath , but the water was freezing cold. So I just crashed. Turns out the water heater shuts down and needs to be turned on each time you want to use hot water. I didn't know. I spent my morning soaking in a bath. Of course. The bathrooms here inspire me to have a better one back home. For example a sitting bath tub probably uses up less water and seems a hell of a lot more convenient and water efficient. Go Japan.

Today, Bria and Annmarie are going to an anime museum and Alan and I are going to be exploring.

One more thing; I was dreaming that I was in my grandparent's house back in Postavy. My sister Olga and her two kids were there. Then, there was an earthquake and the thing began crumbling down. My evacuation training kicked in and I got everyone escorted out before running in and trying to control the falling objects. When I woke up I found messages from friends asking me if I'm okay. Apparently there was an earthquake somewhere in Tokyo. Maybe that's what I felt. Or maybe it was all the thoughts.

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