Friday, April 22, 2016


Dear Diary:

Nothing's happened yesterday. I woke up a little late and was sort of a zombie for a while. I got the photos onto the computer. Made sure they copied correctly. Then I  went to work after noon. It was a lazy but productive day. I didn't try particularly hard so I was able to stay somewhat focused. The things coming onto my plate now aren't particularly challenging or annoying so I'm getting through them like cold knife through butter.

I met with a potential manager for another team. One down. Hopefully 4 more to go. Meeting another one in an hour. Excited to learn about my opportunities. I had a salad for lunch. It feels good but then I get hungry soon after. I got some snacks, and sadly they were sweet. Oh darn they tasted good. Yay 7-layer bars.

After a bit though I noticed people started being kinda dickish. Coworkers brushing me off. People walking away. Others saying the wrong thing. Then I thought the feels hurt, but the maths don't add up. Maybe it's me. I might be cranky. But I have no reason to be cranky... except. Oh wait. Jet-lag! Tun-tun-dun!

Some number of apples and bananas later I was feeling better. Went to the gym after work. Had all this energy. Kind of... too much, actually. I went up the wall and realized I was pushing harder than any time in the past year. Yeash! Also, scary! Toward the end of the night I started trying things I learned before going to Japan. Tried doing the front to back-bail onto a mat. My foot got caught and my toes still kinda hurt. I stayed till the end though. Can't wait for the soreness to set in. :P

Two days ago I went to bed at 04:00. Yesterday it was more like 02:00. Progress! I woke up at 07:00 though. I think it has to do with all the candy I finished last night. Damn sugar cravings. Need to get off this sugar-wave. I've been so good... prior to April. My birthday always screws me up.

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