Monday, April 11, 2016

Entry 2016-04-11

Dear Diary:

Yesterday was a good day. It rained only a little and despite the horrible visibility I had a lot of fun snowboarding. Dwight didn't go. I went by myself. At first I thought I'd have no problem finding a buddy to board with, but after the rain started it was just a few of us left on the mountain. I could recognize people in line because there were literally so few of us. But that didn't matter because being 20 feet apart meant we couldn't see each other. I must admit, it was kind of cool snowboarding in the clouds. But I also wish I could see where I was going. I stuck to familiar trails most of the day but I did venture out mid-day to find food. And it was scary. It was scary mostly because I couldn't see turns coming, at all! And when I would come to a big sign saying "SLOW DOWN" I had no idea what was coming next. So, I fell. Only a couple of times thought. The good thing about all that was the snow was soft. Much softer than I anticipated. Yay slush!

When the lifts were closing down we sat out to Reno. I wanted to see the drive around the Tahoe lake from the Nevada side, but I fell asleep. We only had enough time to get dinner before our flight and I found an all-you-can-eat sushi! And it was good! Well, I liked it. I think Dwight felt 'meh' about it. He told me that if he wasn't with a vegetarian he would have gone to a steakhouse. I don't blame him. But I also don't get him.

On the flight back I listened to podcasts and he tried to get some sleep. After he woke up we talked about privacy again. We're polar opposites when it comes to privacy. I'm idealizing total transparency and he doesn't trust anything or anyone. He feels that I took some control away from him when I posted photos of us from our EuroTrip 2014. He's asked me to delete photos of us from Facebook. I didn't. I told him that he's welcome to get them untagged, or just delete his profile. But he's got issue with the company (Facebook) having the photos on their servers. 0.o I want to understand why people feel like their photon projections are their property somehow. ...and how to fix them. :P

So it's Monday. I have agreed to go to a movie screening with Alina and Chris (my flatmates) this Tuesday. I was going to go to Tempest, but now I'll try to do both. That's going to be tough seeing how I have the flight to Japan later that night. Sigh. I haven't started packing yet. I don't think I need to worry about it to much though. Just need to buy some good travel underwear. Everything else I can buy there. Pretty sure.

In other news: I should have another meet-and-greet today. Thought she didn't reply to my last message, we had already made plans for tonight prior. Maybe she's not big on textual communication. I guess I'll find out. Or maybe it's something else entirely. At first I was psyched. Then kind of nervous. Then I didn't care. And now I have nothing. So much has happened since then that I don't even have a clear image of who I'm meeting. Which I think is a good attitude to have going in. It's not like we are what our profiles paint us to be.

P.S. So the result of my talks with Dwight is that I won't be posting photos of us on the trip. :(

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